Thursday, March 19, 2009

Come One, Come All..The New Heights of Absurdity in Politics

Step right up, and don't be shy!! You won't believe your eyes! Let’s turn our side show into the main attraction!

Come one, come all to the greatest show on earth!

Much like the walking the midway at the county fair, the side show barkers in Washington are turning the government into what amounts to a three ring circus. There are bizarre shows and distractions aplenty as you wander down the midway that call out for attention on the way to the main attraction now beginning under the Big Top. The clowns are piling into the itty bitty car in preparation for the big show to come.

Between all the companies that are too big to fail, stimulus packages that are too urgent to read before passing, and senate committee hearings being held solely to point fingers for the cameras with pseudo outrage that is a day late and several billion (trillion) dollars short, the goings on in our government would be almost entertaining if it wasn't all so tragic in it's scope and the irreversible damage that is being done to our country.

The finger pointing and flailing financial free-for-all occurring right now is unprecedented, even by modern political standards. Anyone with half a brain knows, if you keep putting enough stress on a situation, something's gotta give and it's most likely not going to be pretty when it all explodes.

Yesterday I sat and watched with morbid fascination and a few choice words hurled at the television, the show being played out in the Senate committee hearings yesterday. Don't get me wrong, I'm furious with AIG and it's mode of operations that put it, and by default, the American taxpayer in a vice.

What makes me even MORE incensed however, is the posturing going on by the politicians that enabled the practices to operate in the first place. Then with lightning speed (something not seen in the Halls of Congress), passed a monster BAILOUT (NOT a recovery and reinvestment act) plan that they didn't take the time to even READ first and allowed the very payouts of bonuses they are now squealing like stuffed pigs over. The finger pointing and posturing would be a box office comedy winner if it wasn't all so tragic and devastating to our futures.

The bonuses themselves are not going to sink the economy of course. They are just a symbol of the greater problem and the flavor of the day. They represent the flailing going on at the highest levels in this new administration in a misguided attempt to win friends and influence enemies, all under the guise of "hope and change". Not a darned thing has changed other than it's now playing out in a macabre slow motion slide that is in turn, hurting Americans from coast to coast on every level.

What makes all of this so different for the politicians? Why are they now acting out of panic and running around like schoolgirls caught with their panties down? It's simple...


The government has always been able to count on one thing, the inattentiveness and short attention span of the public for anything that has to do with the day to day operations in Washington. We as a people over the years have been lazy. We've sat on the sidelines, only coming off the benches when something directly affects us. Presidential elections will guilt some into becoming active in the course of our country for a little while every 4 years.

Occasionally a scandal involving sex, power or money will raise mild outrage and garner a bit of hoopla before it fades into obscurity. The attacks on 9/11 rallied us around the flag for a while, but our memories have dulled with time of the absolutely heart wrenching pain and heartache we lived through as a nation just a few years ago. Our national outrage has almost disappeared in favor of being fair and politically correct to even those that wish us mortal harm.

Right now however, the public is watching and is increasingly mad as hell. Protests and tea parties are starting to pop up like the spring bulbs emerging from the ground. One thing our new administration miscalculated gravely, is this...Americans may have a short attention span...but when they are directly being affected and feeling the pain of a's polarizing. It's impossible to do business as usual in the Nation's capital and operate like the Wizard in Oz. People are paying attention to the man behind the curtain and they don't like what they are seeing.

Washington is slowly getting a clue about the angst and anger in the ground swell chorus that is building. The voices are not silent anymore, they are instead, polarizing in their volume and intensity..and the developing verdict for the performance of those used to operating under the cloak of secrecy and platitudes isn't good.

The light is on and many of the roaches are scurrying for the protection of the darkness. The only problem is, the public is starting to employ spotlights to reach into the dark crevices.

It's time for Washington to wake up, quit pointing fingers and blame at each other like a demented 3 Stooges saga, and actually make progress without throwing money we don't have at the problem.

Before we all wake up and find out our country is now owned by the rest of the world.

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