Monday, January 4, 2010

America Rising..An Open Letter to Democratic Politicians

I didn't vote for what is happening to our country. While I didn't like the choices for President in 2008, I voted for John McCain. In the spirit of full disclosure, I am a conservative that has occasional libertarian leanings on some issues. I have never in my life been remotely considered to be a liberal. I fear the moves being made in our Nation's capital that continue to erode our country in ways that a few years ago would have been unimaginable. MY hope and change is that people are finally paying attention and opening their eyes...that they are no longer silent.

That said, I applaude this video put together by those that are now seeing the damage being done to our country and that are having "buyers remorse". While I wish as citizens we weren't being subjected to some of the unnecessary hardships being amplified by bad government, it's better late than never to realize one's mistakes and move to correct them.

For all our sakes, I almost wish the Democrats continue to pay no attention to the will of those that elected them to SERVE, not dictate, with their unpopular, ill-advised and un-wanted legislation that is killing our way of life and that of our future generations.

The reckoning is coming.

To me, THAT is true hope and change.

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